Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why now?

Several years ago my friends told me that they were writing blogs. I couldn't figure out how to setup a blogging site for myself. It has been in the list of things to do ever since.
My father started writing serious blogs on biotechnology. He said it connected him to all those who are interested in biotechnology around the world. He writes blogs more often than he smokes.
Sowji did a course in web design two years ago. She wrote blogs for the course.
I heard an interview with Ben Hammersley. I followed his web links and found his blog called 'Ben Hammersley's return to old-fashioned blogging'. When did it become old-fashioned. I'm still trying to figure out the technical side of it where as the rest of the world moved ahead and now it's almost ready to move on from blogging to twitters and one-word blogging.
Two years ago I read an article which said you will never get better time to write than now. It's accessible to everyone. There are no editors to reject your writing. If you lucky you will find some readership. The worst case is you would get some writing practice.
I am afraid of writing anything. Actually, I was afraid till I did my FearOfWriting online course. I suudenly became verbose. My mails are long. I have an opinion on everything and I don't mind expressing it. It's time to write. Even if it's just blogging. The bar can't be any lower.
What about the dangers of law suits and death threats? As long as I stay clear of writing anything about China and Sowji I should be safe.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Yes, it made a sound as far as the tree is concerned.

Like any new activity I take up, I highly recommend blogging to everyone.


  1. Cram, glad to see you joining us in the blogosphere! As usual, I enjoyed your dry humor as you addressed an otherwise serious topic. One-word blogging? My entire being revolts. Hooray to all the people who still have something meaningful to say that's longer than 130 characters.

  2. I'm on Twitter, so I know how to write short entries of 140 characters...but who the heck can write a blog entry with only one word? :P

    I am so glad to see you blogging, Cram. I've been missing you, but if you keep updating here, I'll still get to read your writing and connect with you in some way. And isn't that what blogging's all about? :)
